Resolved -
We have resolved the issue affecting Webstores and Webstore checkout in US Phoenix 5.
Customer Impact: Customers may have experienced a degradation of service when using Webstores and Webstore checkout.
If you are still experiencing issues, please contact NetSuite Customer Support through your standard method.
Start Time: 2024-10-12T23:20:15+00:00 End Time: 2024-10-13T01:07:33+00:00
Oct 13, 01:24 UTC
Update -
We continue to investigate an issue affecting Webstores and Webstore checkout in US Phoenix 5.
Customer Impact: Customers may experience a degradation of service when using Webstores and Webstore checkout.
Oct 13, 01:02 UTC
Identified -
We're investigating an issue affecting Webstores and Webstore checkout in US Phoenix 5.
Customer Impact: Customers may experience a degradation of service when using Webstores and Webstore checkout.
Oct 13, 00:26 UTC
Investigating -
We started investigating an issue which is affecting the NetSuite service in US Phoenix 5. Further details will be provided shortly.
Oct 12, 23:20 UTC
Resolved -
We have resolved the issue affecting NetSuite services in US Ashburn 3.
Customer Impact: Affected customers may be unable to log in or may experience a degradation of service.
If you are still experiencing issues, please contact NetSuite Customer Support through your standard method.
Start Time: 2024-09-30T23:40:06+00:00 End Time: 2024-10-01T01:51:44+00:00
Oct 1, 01:55 UTC
Monitoring -
We have applied a fix to mitigate the issue affecting NetSuite services in US Ashburn 3. Some customers may start to experience service recovery, and we are continuing to monitor mitigation progress.
Customer Impact: Affected customers may be unable to log in or may experience a degradation of service.
Oct 1, 01:44 UTC
Update -
We are applying a fix to mitigate the issue affecting NetSuite services in US Ashburn 3.
Customer Impact: Affected customers may be unable to log in or may experience a degradation of service.
Oct 1, 01:14 UTC
Identified -
We're investigating an issue affecting NetSuite services in US Ashburn 3.
Customer Impact: Affected customers may be unable to log in or may experience a degradation of service.
Oct 1, 00:15 UTC
Investigating -
We started investigating an issue which is affecting the NetSuite service in US Ashburn 3. Further details will be provided shortly.
Sep 30, 23:40 UTC